
mercredi 8 mai 2013

#ocTEL MOOC (week 3 Webinar) Did the 3E framework inspire the design of the ocTEL MOOC? I wonder...

This week 3 webinar on "Activity design for online learning" was presented by Keith Smyth based on the 3E framework that he used in support to the improvement of the adoption of TEL at Edinburgh Napier University. Surprisingly the link with the three activities proposed by #ocTEL for this week 3 is not obvious and may be empty but at a very general level -- that is the level of the word "activity". It is not to mean that the webinar was not interesting, but one may expect more coherence between the activities in a MOOC.

The 3E framework is "based on a tried and tested Enhance-Extend-Empower continuum for using technology to effectively support learning, teaching and assessment across disciplines and levels of study", explain the authors. Here is a view of the continuum:

Adopting technology in simple and effective ways to actively support students and increase their activity and self-responsibility
Further use of technology that facilitates key aspects of students’ individual and collaborative learning and assessment through increasing their choice and control
Developed use of technology that promotes learner autonomy and requires higher order individual and collaborative learning that reflect how knowledge is created and used in professional environments

In a way, I see that as a meta-model to frame the type of use of the technology one may want to adopt. This continuum seems especially relevant for adult education with the last stage coming closer to professional situations. Then within each of these levels we are left with nothing very tangible and operational to develop the design. We were left with 3 to 4 minutes to fill in the table with one example... a real challenge.

There is a lesson to be learned anyway, which is that whatever is the design a the level of actual student activity, there must be also attention paid to the higher level of design which is that of the course management as a series of activities and their evolution. In this respect the webinar was interesting and relevant. But, thinking about and learning "learning theories" was probably not the most relevant to prepare to it, something closer to curriculum development and/or course management would have been welcome.

Eventually... did the 3E framework inspire the design of #ocTEL? I wonder...

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