
jeudi 4 avril 2013

This first week, interestingly numbered "0", the ocTEL MOOC has five activities which add up to about 4 hours of work. It is designed in a way which first invite you to think why you are here, and second to stimulate socialization.

My first impression, before starting effective working, is that there really  a lot of informations to go through. So, I understand the importance of the advice: "keeping calm in the face of abundance" (I may already join Patrick plea: "please stop emailing me, my inbox is full & I can't turn it off on your website" -- may be an idea: create a dedicated mailbox when joining a MOOC...). Any way, I have to dive into real activities, for the time being it is A-0.1.
 My big question:
How to reliably make sense and assess learners' learning outcomes which result from their use of  a TEL environment?
This question may seem close to a question like "do they learn?",  actually my point here is "what do they learn?" (I may add "precisely"). Being able to respond to this question will allow us to better respond to many other questions which come from teachers, parents, decision makers and advisers, as well as designers and indeed learners themselves (what do I know now and better, that I didn't know before?)

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