
lundi 14 septembre 2015

What would the Theory of Didactical Situations mean to my research? A workshop

Math Ed. Doctoral Colloquium at CINVESTAV ... in relation to my lecture, I will run a workshop, interactive and collaborative, on the possible contribution of the Theory of didactical situation (TSD) to the design and implementation of a research project in mathematics education.   Questions or comments on this post are welcome (in Spanish, French or English), I will consider them during the workshop. Here is the presentation of the workshop:

Choosing a theoretical framework to address a research question in mathematics education is one of the difficult decision PhD students must take. This workshop, as a follow up of Nicolas Balacheff lecture, will offer an opportunity to present and discuss PhD research projects from a theoretical perspective. The TSD has several integrated dimensions which allows to build bridges with other frameworks such as constructivism, epistemology, situated learning, collaborative learning and educational technology as well. The discussion will allow to deepen the theoretical issues and understand how the TSD can contribute to the shaping of a research project. 

A suggested format is : two minutes presentation of the PhD topic, then five minutes to present an issue which could be either theoretical, methodological or related to the identification and presentation of results. Five to six different projects could be presented  within the 90mn workshops.

vendredi 11 septembre 2015

The complexity of the epistemological and didactical genesis of mathematical proof (2)

Math Ed. Doctoral Colloquium at CINVESTAV ... hereafter an advanced version of the slides in support to my talk (see the post below for a summary). Questions or comments are welcome (in Spanish, French or English), I will consider them for the talk.

Notes from a research journey on learning proof for
the CINVESTAV doctoral colloquium 2015

jeudi 10 septembre 2015

cKȼ, origine, cadrage théorique, utilisations et questions (la vidéo)

Voir [ici] le résumé de la commande du laboratoire de didactique André Revuz (LDAR) à laquelle répond l'exposé que l'on pourra suivre en visionnant la vidéo ci-dessous, et [] pour un résumé plus substantiel.

Enregistrement vidéo de l'exposé présenté au séminaire du laboratoire LDAR
Vendredi 10 avril 2015, 14h-17h