Students’ mathematical knowledge is first rooted in pragmatic evidences and in the effort to make sense of the content and procedures taught. They develop a true knowledge which works as a tool in problem situations, and is accessible to falsification and argumentation. They can validate what they claim to be true, but based on means which may not conform to current mathematical standards. The theory of didactical situations (TSD) is based on the recognition of the existence of this true knowledge and the analysis of the specific complexity of the teaching situations from an epistemological perspective. It is in this framework that I propose to address the problems raised by the teaching and learning of mathematical proof. The main issue which I will discuss is that the evolution of the students understanding of what count as proof in mathematics implies – and is constitutive of – an evolution of their knowing of mathematical concepts. This discussion will support the claim that the “situation of validation” conceptualized by the TSD must be the starting point of any didactical engineering.
To prepare your participation, here some outlines of the TSD
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