
samedi 24 août 2013

cK¢, an introductory talk on the occasion of the PMENA annual conference

Next fall, on the invitation of PMENA (the Psychology of Mathematics Education North American Chapter), I will have the occasion to present an introductory talk to the cK¢ model. The text of the talk entitled "cK¢, a model to reason on learners' conceptions" is now available on the Here is a summary:
"Understanding learners' understanding is a key requirement for an efficient design of teaching situations and learning environments, be they digital or not. This keynote outlines the modeling framework cK¢ (conception, knowing, concept) created with the objective to respond to this requirement, with the additional ambition to build a bridge between research in mathematics education and research in educational technology. After an introduction of the rationale of cK¢, some illustrations are presented. Then follow comments on cK¢ and learning. The conclusion evokes key research issues raised by the use of this modeling framework."
 The PMENA 2013 conference is held in Chicago from the 14th to the17th of November.

cK¢, une introduction à l'occasion de la conférence PMENA 2013

J'aurai l'occasion cet automne de présenter les principes et objectifs du modèle cK¢ dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle de la section américaine du groupe international Psychology of Mathematics Education. Voici le résumé de mon exposé dont le texte est disponible sur HAL sous le titre "cK¢, a model to reason on learners' conceptions"
"Understanding learners' understanding is a key requirement for an efficient design of teaching situations and learning environments, be they digital or not. This keynote outlines the modeling framework cK¢ (conception, knowing, concept) created with the objective to respond to this requirement, with the additional ambition to build a bridge between research in mathematics education and research in educational technology. After an introduction of the rationale of cK¢, some illustrations are presented. Then follow comments on cK¢ and learning. The conclusion evokes key research issues raised by the use of this modeling framework."
 La conférence PMENA a lieu du 14 au 17 novembre à Chicago.